Latest News From Trent Dado

Labor Productivity or Efficiency. Is there a Difference?
Labor Productivity or Efficiency. Is there a Difference?

Labor contributes up to 10-15% of the cost to produce milk. The magnitude of the expense drives dairies to increase labor efficiency. However, labor efficiency does not equate to labor productivity.

Masters of Minivations: Small Innovations for a Big Competitive Advantage
Masters of Minivations: Small Innovations for a Big Competitive Advantage

Small innovations, or “minivations,” are what make each dairy unique and serve as a competitive advantage.

Forage Quality in Today’s Markets
Forage Quality in Today’s Markets

Do not bet the farm on speculative options to lower feed cost. In 2021, double-down on forage quality.

A key to preventing such surprises is to ensure the nutrients we are providing to the cow stay consistent.
Nutrient Variation – The Unwelcome Surprise

A key to preventing such surprises is to ensure the nutrients we are providing to the cow stay consistent.